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Por favor al que pueda me traducirian este texto de la pag de sigames que me dice como reparar mi error! muchas gracias.

TROUBLESHOOT: The game doesn't start

Added on 22/10/2005 @ 23:26:19

Applies to FM 2006

In some situations the game it looks like the game may not start up when you either click on the FM start menu shortcut or double-click the FM executable. So far it appears this may be linked with potential hard drive problems.

There are some possible workarounds, listed in order of simplicity:

1. Third-party skins

If you have installed and are using any third-party skins, these may be causing some problems. If the game does not start up because of this, then you can force it to start up with the default skin by using one of the following workarounds:

Start the game with the command line options: "--skin=metallic2006" (without the quotes). Please refer to "HOWTO: Start the game with command line options" for details on how to do this.

Reset all your preferences back to default. Please refer to "HOWTO: Reset the game settings" for details.

2. Turn off Use Skin Cache

Start Windows Explorer (Click "Start", click "Run...", type "explorer.exe" without the quotes and click "OK").

Go to "My Computer", then C:\Program Files\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2006".

Inside here should be a "data" folder.

Inside the data folder there may be a "cache" folder (if there isn't, then this particular section does not apply to you, please skip and read below).

If there is a "cache" folder inside the data foler, right click it.

Select "Delete" and delete the folder.

Try to start the game to see if it runs up.

If this problem is persistent, please turn off the "Use Skin Cache" option in the game:

click "Options" in the game

then click "Preferences"

look in "Display" for "Use Skin Cache"

turn it off and click "Confirm".

An alternative option to always override the skin cache is to run the game with the --cache_skin=0 command line option:

Right click the FM start menu shortcut,

Choose "Properties",

In "Target" put "--cache_skin=0" without the quotes after "fm.exe".

Click "OK".

Run the game.

The only known reason for this occuring incidentally is file corruption due to bad harddisk sectors or similar so running scandisk is a good idea if this occurs to you.

3. Compatibility Mode

If the problem is an issue with the copy protection or perhaps a driver on the system, it may help to run the game in NT compatibility mode:

Right click the FM shortcut (on the desktop, and/or in the start menu)

Choose "Properties"

Go to the "Compatibility" tabe.

Select "Run this program in compatibility moder:"

First try Windows 2000.

If that doesn't help, try Windows NT.

4. Run the game with another user

If there are something on your system that are causing a problem, then you might want to try to run the game as a different user to see if that helps. If you only have one user, try to create a new one (preferably with Administrator rights, but that shouldn't be a requirement) and run the game. You should not need to re-install the game for this user.

There are some rare cases, such as if a CD writing or emulation software is causing problems, where this might help. (See also "CD/DVD Emulation software has been detected".)

5. Uninstall and re-install

If you can't get any of the above to work, a last resort can be to

completely uninstall the game ("Start" -> Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs -> Uninstall FM2006).

then clear the settings

delete the "C:\Program Files\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2006\" folder ("Start" -> "Programs" -> "Accessories" -> "Windows Explorer", go to FM06 install folder and delete it).

now then re-install the game.



pero por si acaso, por que no dices como lo arreglastes.. por si le pasa a otro ya saber de antemano que hacer :)



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