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FM20 Novedades vol.3


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Buenas comunidad!

Vamos con la tercera recopilación de novedades sobre el Football Manager 2020!

1. Nuevas y mejoradas caras para los newgens

2. Ahora podrás solicitar a la directiva que creen un equipo de reserva (filial) para tu equipo. Ideal para cuando jugamos con equipos pequeños, ascendemos y no tenemos equipo B!


3. Mejoras en el progreso de los atributos de nuestro staff. Por ejemplo, los entrenadores más jóvenes evolucionarán mejor y más rápido si trabajan con entrenadores mejores o más experimentados; ojeadores y analistas mejorarán más cuanto más trabajen, etc.

4. Mejorada la búsqueda con nuevos filtros para encontrar staff que se haya criado en X país.

5. Ahora es posible negociar qué club pagará el sueldo que se haya cedido a un club como parte del traspaso.

6. Interesante novedad: los jugadores que quedan libres, sobre todo en ligas de niveles bajos o juveniles liberados en niveles altos, ahora tenderán a ser contratados por clubes cercanos al club del que han sido liberado.

7. Cuando fichas a un jugador que no habla el idioma nativo del país al que va, ahora podrás enviarlo a cursos intensivos de idioma.

8. Ahora podrás ser más específico y pedirle a tu director deportivo que fiche un rol concreto de jugador.


9. Ahora puedes pedirle a la directiva algo más de dinero para cerrar una cesión crucial para el equipo.


10. Tendrás más control sobre los gastos e ingresos en fichajes para hacer un análisis más exhaustivo del dinero que entra y sale.


11. Renovada la pantalla de reglas de competición. Ahora será más fácil estudiar las reglas y los formatos.EGXs7V7WoAAgU-q.jpegEGXs8EeXYAEt337.jpeg

12. Veremos información adicional cuando un miembro del staff nos sugiera no renovar el contrato de algún jugador (demasiado mayor, no es suficientemente bueno, no tiene tanto potencial...).


13. Nueva tabla de ingresos por publicidad: Esta pantalla nos mostrará cuánto dinero gana cada club por ingresos de publicidad.EGXt8ebWkAIlsWm.jpeg

14. El staff te dará pistas cuando tus instrucciones se desvíen del estilo de táctica que hayas seleccionado.



Algunos enlaces de interés:

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El hace 6 minutos, Black_River dijo:

7. Cuando fichas a un jugador que no habla el idioma nativo del país al que va, ahora podrás enviarlo a cursos intensivos de idioma.


Esto lo han sacado por Bale imagino, ;)

El hace 11 minutos, erprofe dijo:

Esto lo han sacado por Bale imagino, ;)

Pero eso ya existía no? O algo me he perdido. Igual que la 9 ya le podías pedir más dinero a la directiva para un fichaje sino recuerdo mal


Sigo sin ver grandes cambios y sin fecha de salida concretada:nuse:.

El hace 1 hora, gaspasho dijo:

Sigo sin ver grandes cambios y sin fecha de salida concretada:nuse:.

Es que este año el gran cambio es que saldrá después del mercado invernal de fichajes, porque a este paso, no tenemos FM20 hasta febrero como poco.... 


El año que viene sale el 31 de diciembre no me jodas.


Lo que tiene de momento son muchas pequeñas mejoras, ningún salto al abismo, aunque en mi caso viniendo del FM18 lo notaré más.

Un saludo,


He encontrado esta lista de mejoras en internet:

new board requests and several existing board requests improved

  • more conversation options available when dealing with the board
  • With certain B teams, such as those in Portgual where B teams are more reserve teams not separate clubs, you can now request which B team players attend first team training sessions.
  • ability to ask your board to allow you to have a B team when managing in countries where they are allowed
  • You can now request a reserve team from your board should you not already have one.
  • More options to specify loan durations; you can set any number of months as well as end of the season, the end of the following season or until the next transfer window.
  • You now have the option to protest a transfer offer that was accepted by the board over your head
  • When players are released, particularly when at lower levels or youth players released at top levels, they are now much more likely to join clubs local to the club they’re released from should they have multiple choices
  • you can now send a player on intensive language course when they are loaned back to their parent club as part of a transfer deal 
  • Allow managers to suggest transfer targets for director of football signings that’s more specific by find prospects either by all roles in a position or a specific player role. 
  • You can track your transfer spending more closely with analysis of your ins and outs displayed in greater detail 
  • You can now ask your board for extra funds to complete a crucial loan signing 
  • Multiple buy back clauses are now possible in transfers, meaning you’ll be able to set different buy-back prices for different seasons
  • players moved to the “discard” list will no long appear in player search until they are removed/leave the discard list. Making narrowing down searches a lot easier.
  • You can now keep track of the investment your owner/board puts into the club
  • alary changes to RES, SMS & SEN

  • Inverted Winger available in AML/R position
  • the ability to mass edit training intensity using multi-row select. 
  • Further randomisation of new gen dates. 
  • Newgens can now have more dynamic personalities that change over time depending on more circumstances in game.
  • A new Portuguese league squad registration rule is added. It’s a bit complicated rule, but it involves the first year senior player rule.
  • Better modelling of the players who receive medals for competition wins. 
  • Better modelling of how AI Managers of higher profile clubs are now more likely to take some competitions less seriously and use youth players in their squad for tournaments like the League Cup/Euro Cup
  • Better modelling of newgens for Basque region clubs whose players had previously been skewed to the countries they were based in, rather than the region they cover. 
  • The possibility to request the board apply to use the A League FFA Marquee player fund when playing in the A League, up to a maximum of 3Mill AUD per season for the entire league. 
  • A revamped preferences section, way less overbearing, with the most popularly changed ones easier to find and all others now searchable to make them easier to find too (when you know what you’re looking for, and when you don’t, they’re all there in sections to see). 
  • Huge improvements to the way MLS B teams work. Full code refactor, real life affiliations now set, much better AI to decide who should be moved to the B-team, & vice versa, min. s
  • In the goalkeeper profile you’ll now see added stats for ‘penalties faced’ and ‘penalties saved’ 
  • Western Melbourne Group and Macarthur South West Sydney are two new clubs who you’ll able to manage in the new expanded Hyundai A-League 
  • Goal Kicks have been added to the Set-Piece tactics creator.
  • You’ll now receive warning from staff if a player has no chance of a contract renewal due to work permit issues 
  • New squad registration rules for Norway, so if managing in Norway you now have to set A List and B List squads, with B squad players only allowed to play 3 league matches a season and are youth/amateur players 
  • Season bonuses are now given for staff as well as players.
  • Usability: when seeting the transfer type as “sell at any price” it locks in the minimum acceptable value of 0, rather than the price previously set 
  • A-League clubs can make up to three Senior players available at the start of the season to play for the Youth team throughout the season
  • 3 new Steam achievements available based on the amount of money earned in game. 
  • Improvements to the fixture scheduling in Germany. For example – the first game of the Bundesliga season will always have the Champions playing on a Friday night at home.
  • owners now consider the international break as a point where it may make sense to replace a manager
  • Player values are now reflected in the transfer budget when signing a player in create a club 
  • You now have the ability to save all set pieces at once in one single file


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