Icy Posted October 5, 2020 Posted October 5, 2020 El hace 22 minutos, Paquito dijo: ostras, acabo de modificar el archivo y voy a probarlo ahora mismo. Da igual que la partida ya esté en marcha, ¿no? es decir, que no hace falta empezar nueva partida. ¡¡¡Mil gracias!!! Esos no eran todos los cambios!, los totales son estos: { version_array: [ // Latest ME Version Physical Constraints always at the top, enter new ME version constraints here: // January 2020 fix { "min_me_version": 2037, // any match from this version onwards will use these constraints (if there are no newer sets) // Speed constraints - all values as ms-1 - used directly in the ME after being scaled "speed_scaler": 10000, // below values are divided by this to get the correct Match Real value "very_slow_walk_speed": 4370, "slow_walk_speed": 8440, "walk_speed": 12010, "fast_walk_speed": 16030, "slow_jog_speed": 20740, "jog_speed": 23510, "moderate_jog_speed": 28090, "fast_jog_speed": 31630, "run_speed": 38404, "sprint_speed": 58056, "top_speed": 78408, "base_top_speed": 77000, "theoretical_max_running_speed": 128700, "theoretical_min_diving_speed": 40000, "theoretical_max_diving_speed": 72000, // The min/max speeds of walk/jog/run speed ranges are calculated in PHYSICAL_CONSTRAINTS helper class based on the above values // Acceleration/deceleration constraints - all values as ms-2 - theoretical values "acceleration_scaler": 10000, // below values are divided by this to get the correct Match Real value "theoretical_min_acceleration": 2500, "theoretical_max_acceleration": 89408, "theoretical_min_diving_acceleration": 25000, "theoretical_max_diving_acceleration": 79408, // should always be the same as top speed "theoretical_min_deceleration": 15000, "theoretical_max_deceleration": 44056, // should always be top speed / 2 // Turning rate constraints for turning facing - all values as angles / second - theoretical values "theoretical_max_potential_turning_rate": 200, // Direction change rate constraints - all values as angles / second - theoretical values per speed range (walk/jog/run) "theoretical_max_potential_direction_change_walk": 191, "theoretical_min_potential_direction_change_walk": 52, "theoretical_max_potential_direction_change_jog": 101, "theoretical_min_potential_direction_change_jog": 15, "theoretical_max_potential_direction_change_run": 48, "theoretical_min_potential_direction_change_run": 15, // Delays - all values as milliseconds at 250ms intervals (these will be stored internally as match slices - one slice is 0.25s, so 4 slices are 1s) "theoretical_min_potential_delay_for_diving_header": 1500, // 2s - 8 slices "theoretical_max_potential_delay_for_diving_header": 2000, // 1.9s - 7.6 slices "theoretical_min_potential_delay_for_normal_header": 1750, // 1s - 4 slices "theoretical_max_potential_delay_for_normal_header": 975, // 1.1s - 4.4 slices "theoretical_min_potential_delay_for_slide_tackle_do": 1700, // 2s - 8 slices "theoretical_max_potential_delay_for_slide_tackle_do": 1220, // 1.25s - 5 slices "theoretical_min_potential_delay_for_slide_tackle_receive": 688, // 1s - 4 slices "theoretical_max_potential_delay_for_slide_tackle_receive": 1250, // 0.75s - 3 slices "theoretical_min_potential_delay_for_ball_lunge_do": 750, // 1s - 4 slices "theoretical_max_delay_for_ball_lunge_do": 300, // 0.25s - 1 slices "theoretical_min_potential_delay_for_ball_lunge_receive": 500, // 0.75s - 3 slices "theoretical_max_potential_delay_for_ball_lunge_receive": 225, // 0.3s - 1.2 slices "theoretical_min_potential_delay_for_block_tackle_do": 800, // 0.75s - 3 slices "theoretical_max_potential_delay_for_block_tackle_do": 440, // 0.5s - 2 slices "theoretical_min_potential_delay_for_block_tackle_receive": 750, // 0.75s - 3 slices "theoretical_max_potential_delay_for_block_tackle_receive": 500, // 0.5s - 3 slices "theoretical_min_potential_delay_for_deflect_ball_do": 375, // 0.5s - 2 slices "theoretical_max_potential_delay_for_deflect_ball_do": 350, // 0.375s - 1.3 slices "theoretical_min_potential_delay_for_deflect_ball_receive": 15, // 0.5s - 2 slices "theoretical_max_potential_delay_for_deflect_ball_receive": 500, // 0.3s - 1.2 slices "theoretical_min_potential_delay_for_shoulder_charge_do": 625, // 0.5s - 2 slices "theoretical_max_potential_delay_for_shoulder_charge_do": 350, // 0.35s - 1.4 slices "theoretical_min_potential_delay_for_shoulder_charge_receive": 1500, // 2s - 8 slices "theoretical_max_delay_for_shoulder_charge_receive": 375, // 0.5s - 2 slices "theoretical_min_potential_delay_for_force_opponent_to_lose_ball_do": 375, // 1s - 4 slices "theoretical_max_potential_delay_for_force_opponent_to_lose_ball_do": 750, // 0.3s - 1.2 slices "theoretical_min_potential_delay_for_force_opponent_to_lose_ball_receive": 250, // 0.625s - 2.5 slices "theoretical_max_potential_delay_for_force_opponent_to_lose_ball_receive": 750, // 0.275s - 1.1 slices "min_delay_for_shirt_tug_do": 10, // 0.1s - 0.4 slices "theoretical_min_potential_delay_for_shirt_tug_receive": 675, // 1s - 4 slices "theoretical_max_potential_delay_for_shirt_tug_receive": 250, // 0.5s - 2 slices "theoretical_min_potential_delay_for_obstruct_do": 1000, // 1s - 4 slices "theoretical_max_delay_for_obstruct_do": 700, // 0.75s - 3 slices "theoretical_min_potential_delay_for_obstruct_receive": 675, // 2s - 8 slices "max_potential_delay_for_obstruct_receive": 1625, // 0.5s - 2 slices "min_delay_for_two_footed_tackle_do": 1200, // 1.25s - 5 slices "min_delay_for_two_footed_tackle_receive": 2500, // 3s - 12 slices "theoretical_min_potential_delay_for_trip_do": 2000, // 2s - 8 slices "theoretical_max_potential_delay_for_trip_do": 375, // 0.375s - 1.5 slices "theoretical_min_potential_delay_for_trip_receive": 250, // 3.5s - 14 slices "theoretical_max_potential_delay_for_trip_receive": 2200, // 0.75s - 3 slices "min_delay_for_foot_up_in_tackle_do": 1000, // 1s - 4 slices "min_delay_for_foot_up_in_tackle_receive": 3000, // 3s - 12 slices "theoretical_min_potential_delay_for_push_opponent_do": 500, // 0.5s - 2 slices "theoretical_max_potential_delay_for_push_opponent_do": 750, // 0.25s - 1 slices "theoretical_min_potential_delay_for_push_opponent_receive": 350, // 2s - 8 slices "theoretical_max_potential_for_push_opponent_receive": 775, // 0.75s - 3 slices "min_delay_for_violent_act_do": 500, // 0.5s - 2 slices - elbow, punch, head butt, kick, shove "min_delay_for_violent_act_receive": 1000, // 1s - 4 slices "min_delay_for_celebrating_a_goal": 3000, // 3s - 12 slices "theoretical_min_potential_delay_keeper_save_intentionally_drop_ball": 750, // 0.75s - 3 slices "theoretical_max_potential_delay_keeper_save_intentionally_drop_ball": 670, // 0.5s - 2 slices "theoretical_min_potential_delay_keeper_save_dive_and_hold_ball": 2300, // 2s - 8 slices "theoretical_max_potential_delay_keeper_save_dive_and_hold_ball": 1250, // 1s - 4 slices "theoretical_min_potential_delay_keeper_save_dive_but_not_held": 1500, // 0.625s - 2.5 slices "theoretical_max_potential_delay_keeper_save_dive_but_not_held": 1175, // 1s - 4 slices "theoretical_min_potential_delay_keeper_save_no_dive_hold_ball": 850, // 0.75s - 3 slices "theoretical_max_potential_delay_keeper_save_no_dive_hold_ball": 670, // 0.6s - 2.4 slices "theoretical_min_potential_keeper_save_no_dive_not_held": 800, // 0.6s - 2.4 slices "theoretical_max_potential_delay_keeper_save_no_dive_not_held": 630, // 0.3s - 1.2 slices "min_delay_keeper_drop_ball_for_distribution": 1000, // 1s - 4 slices "min_delay_for_getting_injured": 2000, // 2s - 8 slices "min_extra_delay_for_falling_down_before_injury": 4000, // 4s - 16 slices "theoretical_min_potential_delay_for_player_stop_to_avoid_collision": 750, // 0.6s - 2.4 slices "theoretical_max_potential_delay_for_player_stop_to_avoid_collision": 178, // 0.225s - 0.9 slices "theoretical_average_delay_for_player_stop_to_avoid_collision": 250 // 0.225s - 0.9 slices }, // October 2019 fix { "min_me_version": 1957, // any match from this version onwards will use these constraints (if there are no newer sets) // Speed constraints - all values as ms-1 - used directly in the ME after being scaled "speed_scaler": 10000, // below values are divided by this to get the correct Match Real value "very_slow_walk_speed": 4470, "slow_walk_speed": 8940, "walk_speed": 13410, "fast_walk_speed": 17880, "slow_jog_speed": 23000, "jog_speed": 26820, "moderate_jog_speed": 31290, "fast_jog_speed": 35760, "run_speed": 44704, "sprint_speed": 67056, "top_speed": 89408, "base_top_speed": 78000, "theoretical_max_running_speed": 122700, "theoretical_min_diving_speed": 50000, "theoretical_max_diving_speed": 75000, // The min/max speeds of walk/jog/run speed ranges are calculated in PHYSICAL_CONSTRAINTS helper class based on the above values // Acceleration/deceleration constraints - all values as ms-2 - theoretical values "acceleration_scaler": 10000, // below values are divided by this to get the correct Match Real value "theoretical_min_acceleration": 2500, "theoretical_max_acceleration": 89408, "theoretical_min_diving_acceleration": 25000, "theoretical_max_diving_acceleration": 89408, // should always be the same as top speed "theoretical_min_deceleration": 15000, "theoretical_max_deceleration": 44704, // should always be top speed / 2 // Turning rate constraints for turning facing - all values as angles / second - theoretical values "theoretical_max_turning_rate": 180, // Direction change rate constraints - all values as angles / second - theoretical values per speed range (walk/jog/run) "theoretical_max_potential_direction_change_walk": 192, "theoretical_min_potential_direction_change_walk": 52, "theoretical_max_potential_direction_change_jog": 104, "theoretical_min_potential_direction_change_jog": 15, "theoretical_max_potential_direction_change_run": 53, "theoretical_min_potential_direction_change_run": 15, // Delays - all values as milliseconds at 250ms intervals (these will be stored internally as match slices - one slice is 0.25s, so 4 slices are 1s) "min_delay_for_diving_header": 2000, // 2s - 8 slices "min_delay_for_normal_header": 1000, // 1s - 4 slices "min_delay_for_slide_tackle_do": 500, // 0.5s - 2 slices "min_delay_for_slide_tackle_receive": 750, // 0.75s - 3 slices "min_delay_for_ball_lunge_do": 500, // 0.5s - 2 slices "min_delay_for_ball_lunge_receive": 750, // 0.75s - 3 slices "min_delay_for_block_tackle_do": 250, // 0.25s - 1 slices "min_delay_for_block_tackle_receive": 500, // 0.5s - 2 slices "min_delay_for_deflect_ball_do": 250, // 0.25s - 1 slices "min_delay_for_deflect_ball_receive": 500, // 0.5s - 2 slices "min_delay_for_shoulder_charge_do": 500, // 0.5s - 2 slices "min_delay_for_shoulder_charge_receive": 2000, // 2s - 8 slices "min_delay_for_force_opponent_to_lose_ball_do": 500, // 0.5s - 2 slices "min_delay_for_force_opponent_to_lose_ball_receive": 500, // 0.5s - 2 slices "min_delay_for_shirt_tug_do": 0, // 0 "min_delay_for_shirt_tug_receive": 500, // 0.5s - 2 slices "min_delay_for_obstruct_do": 1000, // 1s - 4 slices "min_delay_for_obstruct_receive": 2000, // 2s - 8 slices "min_delay_for_two_footed_tackle_do": 1000, // 1s - 4 slices "min_delay_for_two_footed_tackle_receive": 3000, // 3s - 12 slices "min_delay_for_trip_do": 750, // 0.75s - 3 slices "min_delay_for_trip_receive": 3000, // 3s - 12 slices "min_delay_for_foot_up_in_tackle_do": 1000, // 1s - 4 slices "min_delay_for_foot_up_in_tackle_receive": 3000, // 3s - 12 slices "min_delay_for_push_opponent_do": 500, // 0.5s - 2 slices "min_delay_for_push_opponen_receive": 2000, // 2s - 8 slices "min_delay_for_violent_act_do": 500, // 0.5s - 2 slices - elbow, punch, head butt, kick, shove "min_delay_for_violent_act_receive": 1000, // 1s - 4 slices "min_delay_for_celebrating_a_goal": 3000, // 3s - 12 slices "min_delay_keeper_save_intentionally_drop_ball": 500, // 0.5s - 2 slices "min_delay_keeper_save_dive_and_hold_ball": 2000, // 2s - 8 slices "min_delay_keeper_save_dive_but_not_held": 750, // 0.75s - 3 slices "min_delay_keeper_save_no_dive_hold_ball": 500, // 0.5s - 2 slices "min_delay_keeper_save_no_dive_not_held": 500, // 0.5s - 2 slices "min_delay_keeper_drop_ball_for_distribution": 1000, // 1s - 4 slices "min_delay_for_getting_injured": 2000, // 2s - 8 slices "min_extra_delay_for_falling_down_before_injury": 4000, // 4s - 16 slices "min_delay_for_player_stop_to_avoid_collision": 500 // 0.5s - 2 slices }, // Initial version { "min_me_version": 1, // any match from this version onwards will use these constraints (if there are no newer sets) // Speed constraints - all values as ms-1 - used directly in the ME after being scaled "speed_scaler": 10000, // below values are divided by this to get the correct Match Real value "very_slow_walk_speed": 4470, "slow_walk_speed": 8940, "walk_speed": 13410, "fast_walk_speed": 17880, "slow_jog_speed": 23000, "jog_speed": 26820, "moderate_jog_speed": 31290, "fast_jog_speed": 35760, "run_speed": 44704, "sprint_speed": 67056, "top_speed": 89408, "base_top_speed": 78000, "theoretical_max_running_speed": 122700, "theoretical_min_diving_speed": 50000, "theoretical_max_diving_speed": 75000, // The min/max speeds of walk/jog/run speed ranges are calculated in PHYSICAL_CONSTRAINTS helper class based on the above values // Acceleration/deceleration constraints - all values as ms-2 - theoretical values "acceleration_scaler": 10000, // below values are divided by this to get the correct Match Real value "theoretical_min_acceleration": 2500, "theoretical_max_acceleration": 89408, "theoretical_min_diving_acceleration": 25000, "theoretical_max_diving_acceleration": 89408, // should always be the same as top speed "theoretical_min_deceleration": 15000, "theoretical_max_deceleration": 44704, // should always be top speed / 2 // Turning rate constraints for turning facing - all values as angles / second - theoretical values "theoretical_max_turning_rate": 180, // Direction change rate constraints - all values as angles / second - theoretical values per speed range (walk/jog/run) "theoretical_max_potential_direction_change_walk": 192, "theoretical_min_potential_direction_change_walk": 52, "theoretical_max_potential_direction_change_jog": 104, "theoretical_min_potential_direction_change_jog": 15, "theoretical_max_potential_direction_change_run": 53, "theoretical_min_potential_direction_change_run": 15, // Delays - all values as milliseconds at 250ms intervals (these will be stored internally as match slices - one slice is 0.25s, so 4 slices are 1s) "min_delay_for_diving_header": 2000, // 2s - 8 slices "min_delay_for_normal_header": 1000, // 1s - 4 slices "min_delay_for_slide_tackle_do": 2000, // 2s - 8 slices "min_delay_for_slide_tackle_receive": 3000, // 3s - 12 slices "min_delay_for_ball_lunge_do": 2000, // 2s - 8 slices "min_delay_for_ball_lunge_receive": 3000, // 3s - 12 slices "min_delay_for_block_tackle_do": 1000, // 1s - 4 slices "min_delay_for_block_tackle_receive": 1000, // 1s - 4 slices "min_delay_for_deflect_ball_do": 250, // 0.25s - 1 slices "min_delay_for_deflect_ball_receive": 500, // 0.5s - 2 slices "min_delay_for_shoulder_charge_do": 500, // 0.5s - 2 slices "min_delay_for_shoulder_charge_receive": 2000, // 2s - 8 slices "min_delay_for_force_opponent_to_lose_ball_do": 500, // 0.5s - 2 slices "min_delay_for_force_opponent_to_lose_ball_receive": 500, // 0.5s - 2 slices "min_delay_for_shirt_tug_do": 0, // 0 "min_delay_for_shirt_tug_receive": 500, // 0.5s - 2 slices "min_delay_for_obstruct_do": 1000, // 1s - 4 slices "min_delay_for_obstruct_receive": 2000, // 2s - 8 slices "min_delay_for_two_footed_tackle_do": 2000, // 2s - 8 slices "min_delay_for_two_footed_tackle_receive": 3000, // 3s - 12 slices "min_delay_for_trip_do": 1000, // 1s - 4 slices "min_delay_for_trip_receive": 3000, // 3s - 12 slices "min_delay_for_foot_up_in_tackle_do": 1000, // 1s - 4 slices "min_delay_for_foot_up_in_tackle_receive": 3000, // 3s - 12 slices "min_delay_for_push_opponent_do": 500, // 0.5s - 2 slices "min_delay_for_push_opponen_receive": 2000, // 2s - 8 slices "min_delay_for_violent_act_do": 500, // 0.5s - 2 slices - elbow, punch, head butt, kick, shove "min_delay_for_violent_act_receive": 1000, // 1s - 4 slices "min_delay_for_celebrating_a_goal": 3000, // 3s - 12 slices "min_delay_keeper_save_intentionally_drop_ball": 500, // 0.5s - 2 slices "min_delay_keeper_save_dive_and_hold_ball": 2000, // 2s - 8 slices "min_delay_keeper_save_dive_but_not_held": 750, // 0.75s - 3 slices "min_delay_keeper_save_no_dive_hold_ball": 500, // 0.5s - 2 slices "min_delay_keeper_save_no_dive_not_held": 500, // 0.5s - 2 slices "min_delay_keeper_drop_ball_for_distribution": 1000, // 1s - 4 slices "min_delay_for_getting_injured": 2000, // 2s - 8 slices "min_extra_delay_for_falling_down_before_injury": 4000, // 4s - 16 slices "min_delay_for_player_stop_to_avoid_collision": 500 // 0.5s - 2 slices } ], }
Icy Posted October 5, 2020 Posted October 5, 2020 El hace 14 minutos, Jseg dijo: Hay que empezar una nueva (creo) No, se aplica a cualquier partida ya iniciada, esto afecta al motor del partido.
mrgneco Posted October 5, 2020 Posted October 5, 2020 El hace 5 minutos, Icy dijo: Esos no eran todos los cambios!, los totales son estos: Con copiar todo ese texto y pegarlo en el archivo ya existente sustituyendo el inicial ya es suficiente, ¿no? ¿Para otros FM valdría tal cual o hay que modificar alguna línea?
Makua Posted October 5, 2020 Author Posted October 5, 2020 El Justo ahora, mrgneco dijo: Con copiar todo ese texto y pegarlo en el archivo ya existente sustituyendo el inicial ya es suficiente, ¿no? ¿Para otros FM valdría tal cual o hay que modificar alguna línea? Puedes bajarte el archivo
mrgneco Posted October 5, 2020 Posted October 5, 2020 El hace 1 minuto, Makua dijo: Puedes bajarte el archivo Si el autor permite que se comparta, puedes subirlo a descargas, que sería su sitio.
Makua Posted October 5, 2020 Author Posted October 5, 2020 podriais probarlo en otras versiones por favor?
Icy Posted October 5, 2020 Posted October 5, 2020 El hace 6 minutos, mrgneco dijo: Con copiar todo ese texto y pegarlo en el archivo ya existente sustituyendo el inicial ya es suficiente, ¿no? ¿Para otros FM valdría tal cual o hay que modificar alguna línea? Eso es, con eso es suficiente, o descargar el archivo si alguien lo sube a FMsite. Antes de sobreescribir el actual, haceros una copia por si no os gusta y quereis volver atras. No se si vale para otros FMs, no los tengo instalados ahora mismo pero entiendo que para cada version del ME serian necesarios unos valores disitintos asi que dudo que tenga el mismo efecto en otros FM que no sean el 20. Por cierto, que quede claro, yo no soy el autor, yo me lo descargue de otra pagina y os descrito aqui mis averiguaciones y el contenido del archivo. El autor original es un usuario de FMKorea.
Makua Posted October 5, 2020 Author Posted October 5, 2020 El hace 7 minutos, mrgneco dijo: Si el autor permite que se comparta, puedes subirlo a descargas, que sería su sitio. No sé como contactar con el autor. Quizás deberíais hacerlo alguno de vosotros.
Icy Posted October 5, 2020 Posted October 5, 2020 Ejemplo de pase entre lineas con el que me han marcado un gol, no son muy habituales en el motor original por desgracia.
Makua Posted October 5, 2020 Author Posted October 5, 2020 El Justo ahora, Icy dijo: Eso es, con eso es suficiente, o descargar el archivo si alguien lo sube a FMsite. Antes de sobreescribir el actual, haceros una copia por si no os gusta y quereis volver atras. No se si vale para otros FMs, no los tengo instalados ahora mismo pero entiendo que para cada version del ME serian necesarios unos valores disitintos asi que dudo que tenga el mismo efecto en otros FM que no sean el 20. Por cierto, que quede claro, yo no soy el autor, yo me lo descargue de otra pagina y os descrito aqui mis averiguaciones y el contenido del archivo. El autor original es un usuario de FMKorea. He buscado en los directorios de las otras versiones del juego y ese archivo no aparece por ningún lado. Lo que si hice es colocarlo en la carpeta que indica el autor y creo que alguna variación si hace. Pero faltaría corroborarlo con algun usuario mas.
Jseg Posted October 5, 2020 Posted October 5, 2020 Lo he probado en el 19 y no he visto ni un cambio. Diría que si ese archivo no está como en el 20 será que el juego no lo "lee", pero no tengo ni idea. Además las físicas son diferentes, si et fijas la versión de los archivos dentro de esas carpetas son diferentes.
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